8 Quotes & Sayings By Tabby Biddle

Tabby Biddle is a writer, animal lover, and mother. She lives in New Jersey with her four children, two dogs, and one cat. Her stories are filled with humor, heart, and hope.

When girls see women in leadership roles speaking out for what they believe in, they see it is possible for them, too. Instead of a faraway dream, their aspirations become real, concrete and achievable. Womanhood starts to look more inviting. Tabby Biddle
Our generation of women is clearing the path for our daughters, granddaughters, women and girls down the line, to be safe to be the woman or girl they are. Tabby Biddle
The world is aching for feminine wisdom to come forward. Tabby Biddle
The Goddess helps us heal the deep wound within us that tells us we are unworthy. Tabby Biddle
As we learn about the ancient Goddess religion and cultures, we get to re-evaluate the information that has come to us through patriarchal sources. We start to wake up to the fact that everything that was written about us is without us. Tabby Biddle
As the prevailing voices in the public spotlight are predominantly men, stepping into the spotlight with the truth of who you are as a woman is political change. Tabby Biddle
The feminine political voice is personal. It's intimate. It's caregiving and life enhancing. It's about bringing more love, caring and justice into the world. It's also fierce and determined. Tabby Biddle